CoveredGuidesGetting Started

Getting Started

This guide explains how to get started with covered and integrate it with your test suite.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'covered'

Sus Integration

In your config/sus.rb add the following:

require 'covered/sus'
include Covered::Sus

RSpec Integration

In your spec/spec_helper.rb add the following before loading any other code:

require 'covered/rspec'

Ensure that you have a .rspec file with --require spec_helper:

--require spec_helper
--format documentation

Minitest Integration

In your test/test_helper.rb add the following before loading any other code:

require 'covered/minitest'
require 'minitest/autorun'

In your test files, e.g. test/dummy_test.rb add the following at the top:

require_relative 'test_helper'

Template Coverage

Covered supports coverage of templates which are compiled into Ruby code. This is only supported on Ruby 3.2+ due to enhancements in the coverage interface.

Partial Summary

COVERAGE=PartialSummary rspec

This report only shows snippets of source code with incomplete coverage.

Brief Summary

COVERAGE=BriefSummary rspec

This report lists several files in order of least coverage.l