DBGuidesGetting Started

Getting Started

This guide explains how to use db for database queries.


Add the gem to your project:

$ bundle add db

Core Concepts

db has several core concepts:

Connecting to Postgres

Add the Postgres adaptor to your project:

$ bundle add db-postgres

Set up the client with the appropriate credentials:

require 'async'
require 'db/client'
require 'db/postgres'

# Create the client and connection pool:
client = DB::Client.new(DB::Postgres::Adapter.new(database: 'test'))

# Create an event loop:
Sync do
	# Connect to the database:
	session = client.session
	# Execute the query and get a result set:
	result = session.call("SELECT VERSION()")
	# Convert the result set to an array and print it out:
	pp result.to_a
	# => [["PostgreSQL 16.3 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 14.1.1 20240522, 64-bit"]]
	# Return the connection to the client connection pool:

Connection to MariaDB/MySQL

Add the MariaDB adaptor to your project:

$ bundle add db-mariadb

Set up the client with the appropriate credentials:

require 'async'
require 'db/client'
require 'db/mariadb'

# Create the client and connection pool:
client = DB::Client.new(DB::MariaDB::Adapter.new(database: 'test'))

# Create an event loop:
Sync do
	# Connect to the database:
	session = client.session
	# Execute the query and get a result set:
	result = session.call("SELECT VERSION()")
	# Convert the result set to an array and print it out:
	pp result.to_a
	# => [["10.4.13-MariaDB"]]
	# Return the connection to the client connection pool: