

Adds a streamy multipart form post capability to Net::HTTP. Also supports other methods besides POST.

Development Status



bundle add multipart-post


Please browse the source code index or refer to the guides below.

Parts Headers

By default, all individual parts will include the header Content-Disposition as well as Content-Length, Content-Transfer-Encoding and Content-Type for the File Parts.

You may optionally configure the headers Content-Type and Content-ID for both ParamPart and FilePart by passing in a parts header.

For example:

url = URI.parse('')

params = {
  "file_metadata_01" => { "description" => "A nice picture!" },
  "file_content_01"  =>, "image/jpeg", "image.jpg")

headers = {
  'parts': {
    'file_metadata_01': {
      'Content-Type' => "application/json"

req =, params, headers)

This would configure the file_metadata_01 part to include Content-Type

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file_metadata_01"
Content-Type: application/json
    "description" => "A nice picture!" 

Custom Parts Headers

For FileParts only.

You can include any number of custom parts headers in addition to Content-Type and Content-ID.

headers = {
  'parts': {
    'file_metadata_01': {
      'Content-Type' => "application/json",
      'My-Custom-Header' => "Yo Yo!"


You can debug requests and responses (e.g. status codes) for all requests by adding the following code:

http =, uri.port)


This library aims to adhere to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. Violations of this scheme should be reported as bugs. Specifically, if a minor or patch version is released that breaks backward compatibility, a new version should be immediately released that restores compatibility. Breaking changes to the public API will only be introduced with new major versions.

As a result of this policy, you can (and should) specify a dependency on this gem using the Pessimistic Version Constraint with two digits of precision.

For example:

spec.add_dependency 'multipart-post', '~> 2.1'