Utopia::Project GuidesDocumentation Formatting

Documentation Formatting

This guide explains the conventions used by utopia-project when generating documentation for your project.

Source Code Documentation

Source code documentation is expected to be in markdown format. This is different from the canonical RDoc format used by Ruby. However, using markdown is a good format for standardised documentation across a range of different languages.



The @parameter tag is used to describe the parameters of a method:

# @parameter x [Integer] The x co-ordinate.
# @parameter y [Integer] The y co-ordinate.
def move(x, y)
	# ...


The @returns tag is used to describe the return type of the definition:

# @returns [Integer] The result of the computation.
def fib(n)
	# ...


It is possible to insert references in your documentation using curly brackets. In the following example {Input} will be expanded relative to the usage, to some symbol named Input.

# Frobulates the input, see {Input} for more details.
def frobulate(input)
	# ... left to the imagination ...

Examples & Guides

Examples provide structured information to help users understand your project and are located in the examples/ directory. One sub-directory per example.


If an example has a readme.md file, it is used as the main source of documentation.

Source Files

All other source files are listed on the example page. Top level comments with trailing code (segments) are used to help guide the user through the example.


You can add diagrams formatted using mermaid.js.

graph LR; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D; C-->D;