module Async
module Container
class Channel
Provides a basic multi-thread/multi-process uni-directional communication channel.
class Controller
Manages the life-cycle of one or more containers in order to support a persistent system.
class Error
Represents an error that occured during container execution.
class Terminate
Similar to
Interrupt = ::Interrupt
, but representsSIGTERM
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class Restart
Similar to
Interrupt = ::Interrupt
, but representsSIGHUP
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class SetupError
Represents the error which occured when a container failed to start up correctly.
class Forked
A multi-process container which uses
class Child
Represents a running child process from the point of view of the parent container.
class Instance
Represents a running child process from the point of view of the child process.
class Generic
A base class for implementing containers.
class Group
Manages a group of running processes.
class Hybrid
Provides a hybrid multi-process multi-thread container.
class Keyed
Tracks a key/value pair such that unmarked keys can be identified and cleaned up.
module Notify
Handles the details of several process readiness protocols.
class Client
Represents a client that can send messages to the parent controller in order to notify it of readiness, status changes, etc.
class Console
Implements a general process readiness protocol with output to the local console.
class Log
Represents a client that uses a local log file to communicate readiness, status changes, etc.
class Pipe
Implements a process readiness protocol using an inherited pipe file descriptor.
class Server
A simple UDP server that can be used to receive messages from a child process, tracking readiness, status changes, etc.
class Context
A bound context for receiving messages.
class Socket
Implements the systemd NOTIFY_SOCKET process readiness protocol.
class Statistics
Tracks various statistics relating to child instances in a container.
class Threaded
A multi-thread container which uses
class Child
Represents a running child thread from the point of view of the parent container.
class Exit
Used to propagate the exit status of a child process invoked by
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class Instance
Represents a running child thread from the point of view of the child thread.
class Status
A pseudo exit-status wrapper.