XRB GuidesGetting Started

Getting Started

This guide gives a brief overview of the XRB templating system and how to use it.


Add the gem to your project:

$ bundle add xrb

Core Concepts

XRB is a template language which adopts a Ruby-native approach to string interpolations, and a XML-native approach to Processing Instructions (Ruby code). The template language is designed to operate within the domain of XML, HTML and fragments of those languages, so natively supports a strict subset of HTML5 Markup. Therefore, XRB will safely escape your output by default, and will catch a large number of semantic issues, e.g. missing closing tags, and so on.


The most common use case is to render a template with some data:

require 'xrb'

buffer = XRB::Buffer('<?r self.each do |item| ?>#{item}<?r end ?>')
template = XRB::Template.new(buffer)
items = 1..4

# => "1234"

The code above demonstrates the only two constructs, <?r expression ?> and #{output}.

Providing Inputs

The to_string method accepts a single argument, which is the context in which the template is evaluated using instance_eval. This can be any object, including a binding. However, using a binding is slower than using an object and can also reduces the isolation of the template from the rest of the application.

Using a Object

require 'xrb'

Person = Struct.new(:name, :age)
Controller = Struct.new(:people)
controller = Controller.new([Person.new('Alice', 30), Person.new('Bob', 40)])

buffer = XRB::Buffer('<?r self.people.each do |person| ?>#{person.name} is #{person.age} years old.<br/><?r end ?>')
template = XRB::Template.new(buffer)

# => "Alice is 30 years old.<br/>Bob is 40 years old.<br/>"

Using a Binding

require 'xrb'

Person = Struct.new(:name, :age)
Controller = Struct.new(:people)
def people
	[Person.new('Alice', 30), Person.new('Bob', 40)]

buffer = XRB::Buffer('<?r self.people.each do |person| ?>#{person.name} is #{person.age} years old.<br/><?r end ?>')
template = XRB::Template.new(buffer)

# => "Alice is 30 years old.<br/>Bob is 40 years old.<br/>"