module Console
module Adapter
This namespace is reserved for logging adapters provided by other gems.
class Capture
A buffer which captures all logged messages into a buffer.
module Clock
A simple clock utility for tracking and formatting time.
module Compatible
class Logger
A compatible interface for
which can be used withmodule Console
class LogDevice
A compatible log device which can be used with
module Console
. Suitable for use with code which (incorrectly) assumes that the log device a public interface and has certain methods/behaviours.
class Config
Represents a configuration for the traces library.
module Event
Structured event logging.
class Failure
Represents a failure of some kind, usually with an attached exception.
class Generic
A generic event which can be used to represent structured data.
class Spawn
Represents a child process spawn event.
class Filter
A log filter which can be used to filter log messages based on severity, subject, and other criteria.
module Format
class Safe
A safe format for converting objects to strings.
module Interface
The public logger interface.
class Logger
The standard logger interface with support for log levels and verbosity.
module Output
Output handling.
module Default
Default output format selection.
class Failure
A wrapper for outputting failure messages, which can include exceptions.
class Null
A null output that does nothing.
class Sensitive
Redact sensitive information from output.
class Filter
A simple filter for redacting sensitive information.
class Serialized
Serialize log messages in a structured format.
class Split
Split output into multiple outputs.
class Terminal
Represents a terminal output, and formats log messages for display.
class Buffer
Represents an output buffer that formats lines with a prefix.
module Text
Terminal text output.
module XTerm
Terminal XTerm output.
class Wrapper
A generic wrapper for output handling.
class Progress
A simple progress indicator
class Resolver
Represents a class resolver that can be used to set log levels for different classes as they become available.
module Terminal
Styled terminal output.
module Formatter
Formatters for various types of events.
class Failure
Format a failure event, including the exception message and backtrace.
class Progress
Format a progress event, including the current progress and total.
class Spawn
Format a spawn event, including the command and arguments.
class Text
A simple text-based terminal output.
class XTerm
XTerm style terminal output.
module Warn
Redirect warnings to Console.warn.