module Protocol
module HTTP
class AcceptEncoding
Set a valid accept-encoding header and decode the response.
module Body
class Buffered
A body which buffers all it's contents.
class Completable
Invokes a callback once the body has completed, either successfully or due to an error.
class ZStream
class Deflate
class Digestable
Invokes a callback once the body has finished reading.
class File
class Head
class Inflate
class Readable
Represents a readable input streams.
module Reader
General operations for interacting with a request or response body.
class Rewindable
A body which buffers all it's contents as it is
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class Stream
The input stream is an IO-like object which contains the raw HTTP POST data. When applicable, its external encoding must be “ASCII-8BIT” and it must be opened in binary mode, for Ruby 1.9 compatibility. The input stream must respond to gets, each, read and rewind.
module Reader
This provides a read-only interface for data, which is surprisingly tricky to implement correctly.
module Streamable
A body that invokes a block that can read and write to a stream.
class Output
class ConsumedError
Raised when a streaming body is consumed more than once.
class Body
class ResponseBody
A response body is used on the server side to generate the response body using a block.
class RequestBody
A request body is used on the client side to generate the request body using a block.
class Wrapper
Wrapping body instance. Typically you'd override
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class Writable
A dynamic body which you can write to and read from.
class ContentEncoding
Encode a response according the the request's acceptable encodings.
class Cookie
Represents an individual cookie key-value pair.
class Error
A generic, HTTP protocol error.
module Header
class Authorization
Used for basic authorization.
class CacheControl
class Connection
class Cookie
The Cookie HTTP request header contains stored HTTP cookies previously sent by the server with the Set-Cookie header.
class SetCookie
The Set-Cookie HTTP response header sends cookies from the server to the user agent.
class Date
class ETag
class ETags
class Multiple
Header value which is split by newline charaters (e.g. cookies).
class Split
Header value which is split by commas.
class Vary
class Headers
Headers are an array of key-value pairs. Some header keys represent multiple values.
class Merged
Used for merging objects into a sequential list of headers. Normalizes header keys and values.
class Methods
Provides a convenient interface for commonly supported HTTP methods.
class Middleware
The middleware interface provides a convenient wrapper for implementing HTTP middleware.
class Peer
Provide a well defined, cached representation of a peer (address).
class Reference
A relative reference, excluding any authority. The path part of an HTTP request.
class Request
Represents an HTTP request which can be used both server and client-side.
class Response
Represents an HTTP response which can be used both server and client-side.
module URL