module Utopia
Utopia is a web application framework built on top of Rack.
class Content
A middleware which serves dynamically generated content based on markup files.
class UnbalancedTagError
This error is raised if a tag doesn't match up when parsing.
class Document
A single request through content middleware. We use a struct to hide instance varibles since we instance_exec within this context.
class State
The state of a single tag being rendered within a document instance.
class Link
Represents a link to some content with associated metadata.
class Links
class Resolver
Represents a list of
class Utopia::Content::Link
instances relating to the structure of the content. They are formed from thelinks.yaml
file and the actual directory structure on disk.
class SymbolicHash
A hash which forces all keys to be symbols and fails with KeyError when strings are used.
class MarkupParser
Provides a high level interface for parsing markup.
class ParsedTag
A tag generated by parsing markup.
class UnbalancedTagError
The name of a closing tag fails to match up with the corresponding opening tag.
module Namespace
A namespace which contains tags which can be rendered within a
class Utopia::Content::Document
. -
class Node
Represents an immutable node within the content hierarchy.
class Response
A basic content response, including useful defaults for typical HTML5 content.
module Tags
Tags which provide intrinsic behaviour within the content middleware.
Invokes a node and renders a single node to the output stream.
class Controller
A middleware which loads controller classes and invokes functionality based on the requested path.
module Actions
A controller layer which invokes functinality based on the request path.
class Action
A nested action lookup hash table.
module ClassMethods
Exposed to the controller class.
class Base
The base implementation of a controller class.
module Respond
A controller layer which provides a convenient way to respond to different requested content types. The order in which you add converters matters, as it determines how the incoming Accept: header is mapped, e.g. the first converter is also defined as matching the media range /.
module Rewrite
This controller layer rewrites the path before executing controller actions. When the rule matches, the supplied block is executed.
class Rule
A abstract rule which can match against a request path.
class ExtractPrefixRule
A rule which extracts a prefix pattern from the request path.
class Rewriter
Rewrite a request path based on a set of defined rules.
module ClassMethods
Exposed to the controller class.
class Variables
Provides a stack-based instance variable lookup mechanism. It can flatten a stack of controllers into a single hash.
module Exceptions
Middleware for handling exceptional situations.
class Handler
A middleware which catches exceptions and performs an internal redirect.
class Mailer
A middleware which catches all exceptions raised from the app it wraps and sends a useful email with the exception, stacktrace, and contents of the environment.
module Extensions
module ArraySplit
module TimeDateComparison
Provides comparison operator extensions.
module DateTimeComparison
Provides comparison operator extensions.
module HTTP
HTTP protocol implementation.
class Status
A small HTTP status wrapper that verifies the status code within a given range.
class Localization
A middleware which attempts to find localized content.
class Wrapper
A wrapper to provide easy access to locale related data in the request.
class Path
Represents a path as an array of path components. Useful for efficient URL manipulation.
class Matcher
Performs structured, efficient, matches against
class Utopia::Path
instances. Supports regular expressions, type-casts and constants.-
class MatchData
The result of matching against a
class Utopia::Path
module Redirection
A middleware which assists with redirecting from one path to another.
class RequestFailure
An error handler fails to redirect to a valid page.
class Errors
A middleware which performs internal redirects based on error status codes.
class ClientRedirect
A basic client-side redirect.
class DirectoryIndex
Redirect urls that end with a
, e.g. directories. -
class Rewrite
Rewrite requests that match the given pattern to a single destination.
class Moved
Rewrite requests that match the given pattern to a new prefix.
class Responder
class Session
A middleware which provides a secure client-side session storage using a private symmetric encrpytion key.
class LazyHash
A simple hash table which fetches it's values only when required.
class Serialization
class PayloadError
class Setup
Used for setting up a Utopia web application, typically via
class Shell
This is designed to be used with the corresponding bake task.
class Static
A middleware which serves static files from the specified root directory.
class LocalFile
Represents a local file on disk which can be served directly, or passed upstream to sendfile.
class MimeTypeLoader
A class to assist with loading mime-type metadata.